Speech to Text with React Native voice


Firstly we need install two npm packages,

npm i @react-native-voice/voice expo-dev-client

expo-dev-client helps to automade and link the code files,plugins to project then write below in app.json

"plugins": [
"microphonePermission": "Allow Voice to Text Tutorial to access the microphone",
"speechRecognitionPermission": "Allow Voice to Text Tutorial to securely recognize user speech"

Now we need to sign in eas to create apk for simulating the application in local environment

eas login
eas build:configure

this will create eas.json And to simulate ios device in eas.json

"build": {"development":{"ios":{"smilutor":"true"}}
eas build -p android --profile development --local
expo start --dev-client

All packages are not updated for expo 49, so in order to ignore notifications

import { LogBox } from "react-native";
LogBox.ignoreLogs(["new NativeEventEmitter"]); // Ignore log notification by message
LogBox.ignoreAllLogs(); //Ignore all log notifications

Lastly very important thing is while being logged in eas, pushing code into github will take ages since there are unseen eas megabytes of code. we need to log out eas before pushing github. You can find source code in my github.