Sound Effect with Expo-av


To be able use Expo-av npm module, we need to have expo 49. First we need to install expo-av package

npx expo install expo-av

After creating Audio object,we directly create sound from sound asset file, then play sound

import { Audio } from "expo-av";

  const [sound, setSound] = React.useState();

  async function trueSound() {
    console.log("Loading Sound");
    const { sound } = await Audio.Sound.createAsync(

    console.log("Playing Sound");
    await sound.playAsync();

Eventually we need to delete the sound from memomory, we wait until the sound is allocated to closure (useState) then useEffect will initiated since state transited from null to assigned value, and it will be deleted.

React.useEffect(() => {
  return sound
    ? () => {
        console.log("Unloading Sound");
    : undefined;
}, [sound]);

Note that we use async await in order to make sure the files loaded so we let the thread hold on (await). Finally we can code ui as below, you can find source code in github.

<button title="Play Sound" onPress="{true" ? trueSound : falseSound} />